Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Speak Out

Hunger was a word we never used as an adjective in my house. “You are not hungry , you don’t know the first thing about being hungry Shannon”. My mother has actually said these words to me before, and I never understood it until the summer of 2010. “Global hunger now affects over a billion people worldwide” (Actionagiansthunger.com). Being told that hunger affects children all over the world casts a deep shadow on the lives of us who eat 3 full meals a day. “The diets of most of the 800 million chronically hungry people lack 100-400 kilocalories per day. Most of these people are not dying of starvation, often they are thin but not emaciated. The presence of chronic hunger is not always apparent because the body compensates for an inadequate diet by slowing down physical activity and, in the case of children, growth. In addition to increasing susceptibility to disease, chronic hunger means that children may be listless and unable to concentrate in school, mothers may give birth to underweight babies and adults may lack the energy to fulfill their potential” (FAO.org) The presence of hunger is everywhere in the world, and those of us who are lucky enough to have food available when we wish to eat it should be doing everything in their capabilities to help those who are not as fortunate. One act of kindness could make the difference in a life or death situation.

Getting educated is the first step to help out this worldwide epidemic. Is it humanity slipping away from the human race? Or is it pure ignorance that we don’t know the suffering happening all around the world? Watching an informational commercial of a starving child with Angelina Jolie speaking in a somber voice will not help poverty cease to exist. 1 in 5 people do not know the effect of hunger in the world. They do not know that 1.3 billion people live off a dollar or less a day, they have no clue that in 1991 46% of African Americans where hungry in the world.( thinkquest.org) The absence of information can be changed though, with the world completely connected today through social media anyone can post about these facts on “Facebook” “Twitter” anything. The average Facebook user logs on at least 3 times a day, one post with 30 friends viewing and retweeting can be seen by 125 people a day. Today’s generation has the ability to stay connected in each others lives and learn about there everyday details, why not spread a little knowledge about what is really important these days? Instead of what trivial movie you are going to see tonight.

”On March 2, OneRosemount, a group of 30 to 40 pastors, school principals and civic leaders, including the mayor, aim to pack about 285,000 meals to send to the Dominican Republic, where they will help feed 2 million Haitian refugees living there. "The idea was, 'What if we came together as a community to literally impact the world?'" said Bill Goodwin, pastor at Lighthouse Christian Church and event co-chairman.” (Startribune.com) Speaking out in your own communities is a great next step. Reaching out through the community to help reel in members will spread like wild fire. After school groups, after church groups, Girl Scout meetings, “soccer moms”, business dad’s. Interacting with others is a part of everyone’s daily routine. When educated people come together for a cause the result is usually positive. One person can spread the word, and one group can act. It doesn’t take up your whole day to spend thirty minutes at a meeting that’s goals aim to end world hunger. It is something very simple that can be done and ultimately be fun. I highly encourage such acts of kindness.

            “Be the change you want the world to see”. I can tell you first hand that seeing a third world country with my own eyes is one of the most life altering experiences I have ever endured. When I first set eyes on the poorest country in the western hemisphere I thought I had traveled back in time a hundred and fifty years. Houses weren’t even homes like we know, they were tents and muddy rubble slapped together. Worn down, were my only words to describe the country. Stepping off the plane into the new world I realized that I wasn’t in Kansas anymore. Adults and children alike swarmed the unpaved streets barefoot with worn out and stained clothing. I was trying to catch my breath when all of a sudden a girl about 7 years old ran up to me. She looked at me with this look of heart wrenching need and she held out her hand. I couldn’t give her anything, we weren’t allowed. If one person was given something everyone else would start to swarm. So I had to hold back the crackers I had in my backpack and the tears that had already started to swell up. My experiences in Haiti have changed my outlook on life forever. That is the final step in the movment against hunger, taking initiative. When you don’t just want something you work towards it, things start to happen.

            The war on hunger needs to be won in a victory, there are a lot of things that can be done to help it little by little. Getting educated on the topic, joining a team to fight it, and actually going to help will all slowly end this vicious battle against hunger. The fact is that people are dying because of the fact that they can’t have food in their bellies. Americans have the chance to change the world and help out every day. 40$ can feed a child for 50 days, a couple extra hands in a third world can be the difference in a whole village eating a meal. There are things that you can do to help out, you don’t just have to spend thousands of dollars on a trip. Spread the word, and together lets end world hunger!













































Tuesday, March 5, 2013


There are two days that are the most significant days in life, the day you are born and the day you find out why. It is a confusing time in the middle of the two when certain occurrences will happen and you will not understand why. Mauricio Garcia raised a fantastic question in my mind when he spoke in front of our class. He made an example by talking about his experience coming to America from El- Salvador. He said that he resisted the entire time and wanted more than anything to be able to go back to his home country. The speaker didn’t understand what was happening to him until he had a glance of his purpose at a vending machine one day. Mr. Garcia had been in America for 5 years and still didn’t speak a bit of English. One day at a rest stop he was trying to get a Milky Way candy bar out of a vending machine, but the machine needed more money and was asking for more coins; because Mr. Garcia could not speak English he misunderstood and started SPEAKING, asking out loud for his chocolate. His hilarious accident raised a question in his mind about his purpose. Mr. Garcia then said to the audience, “If you want to understand your purpose, start looking at the circumstances happening all around you”. After he said that something in my mind clicked.

When I was little I was a very outgoing child. I never sat still and I would always love to be the center of attention. My parents said I would always have people coming up to them telling them that they would be watching out for me one day. When I was in high school I started to act, as I began my acting career I realized that this was something absolutely special to me. I wanted to do it all the time! As my skills became sharper and I began to do it on a regular basis I figured out that I might possibly want to do this for the rest of my life. Being able to cover up who I was, and able to express myself through another person’s character is absolutely phenomenal.  I have been too many competitions and scored magnificently in many stage shows, I even was awarded a talent grant to FSCJ. Looking back at my life a year and some change later I want to kick myself. I let all those opportunities go to be a rebel child. As Mr. Garcia phrased it, I should have taken my surroundings into account as I was washing a big part of what could have been my future down the drain. I see it now through a different lens, but I wish I had taken it into account.

            Mothers always have stories for everything, when I asked her about how she knew what her purpose in life was she told me an interesting story about how she knew she wanted to go into therapy. She brought me back to a time when she was younger (although she didn’t reveal how long ago) and in college.  She said she was in a convenient store buying groceries for the following week; she spoke of it to be a normal day where she was just going about her every day business. “I have always had a way about reading people’s emotions; I can always tell when someone is troubled”. There was a woman next to her in the aisle that looked very worried, my mom struck up a casual conversation and the woman seemed to lay on her life story to my mother in the middle of Wal-mart. She spoke about the children she was losing; the divorce she was going through with, the life she knew and loved was basically disintegrating in front of her eyes. After their three hour long conversation, my mother left the store and switched her major in college the next day to Psychology, my mother said that after she examined the situation she realized that her perspective of people changed and she wanted to help as many as she could. The circumstances that began to happen around her helped her realize that she was put on the earth to help people through their problems.

            In the Great Gatsby, the main character Nick goes through a very confusing part of his life where he decides to move east after coming back from WW1. Nick tells a tragic story about the everyday rich. Nick is a very honest guy, he is a caring man that lent out a hand to everyone and was a characters rock when he needed to be.  Throughout the whole story Nick was thrown around by different character’s and taken for granted multiple times, as the book comes to an end Nick realized due to everything happening all around him that it was time for him to go back to his old life and settle down, due to his circumstances that where occurring to others he knew he needed to get out of that life.  Another book that speaks about purpose is The Crucible. In the Crucible, John Proctor is an adulterous man ultimately put to death in a puritan society. John Proctor understood his surroundings as well when he realized that he didn’t want his word defaced, so he died for his cause. That was his purpose.

            After the purpose is revealed to someone, they start to realize that everything starts to fall into place suddenly. Things start making sense that didn’t before and there is more of an understanding about why certain things happened in their life that they didn’t understand before. People have a hard time accepting things that make them uncomfortable, they are very keen to being creatures of habit. When circumstances keep happening over and over again to someone they might just accuse it as bad luck, however luck may have nothing to do with it. It may be something to do with fate, as some like to believe and some do not. It is not for one to throw a pity party about, some are meant to be lessons and some are meant to show what their purpose is. It is all a matter of perspective, accepting that isn’t easy sometimes but it does have to happen. The way that everything plays out is up the “victim of the circumstance”. They can choose to deny what they think is certain, or they can chose to accept it and embrace all of endless possibility.













Citied Works:

1.      Fitzgerald, F S. The Great Gatsby. Vol. 1. New York City: Charles Scribners Son, 1925. 1-180. 1 vols. Print.

2.      Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. Vol. 1. New York: The Penguins Play, 1967. 4 vols. Print.