Monday, February 4, 2013


When you turn on the Telivison and scroll throught the channels you encounter such shows as " the Real Housewives of Alanta " " Jersey Shore " " Amish Mafia " and such. Unfortunatley these shows do not show much about reality. In fact they are nothing like real life at all. The shows that pollute modern day cable are rather sickening. For example shows like " Jersey Shore " embrace a life that is not exactley wholesome or even fathomable to most young adults. Girls and Guys in there twenties get paid to live in a beachfront house while they go to the gym, drink, party and make fools of themselfs. This portrayal of the life that so many teenagers strive for is not healthy to this society. Unfortunatley it has started to occur alot. Shows following after that get deeper and deeper into the lifes of many young teenagers and now even childern because anything is avalible on television. We can not stop these shows, but it is important to the younger generation not to fall into the traps of "living for the night". Where will that land you in 10 years exactly? Working dead end jobs? Still getting excited over times when every friday you can go and get drunk and act like you have no brain in your head? It is not healthy to glamourise such a lifestyle. It should be more about the type of sucess that you want to achieve in life instead of the kind of parties that you want to attend and the popularity you wish to achieve. Although nothing is wrong with having fun, it is not the most important and critical thing in life and reality T.V shows do a horrible job at displaying how people should live now a days. I dont agree with it at all and I believe that in order to get America back on to a decent track for another generation these shows really need to stop. Its not healthy for the modern day youth.


  1. Good example and you're correct I do not know anyone personally that can just drink and party all day on the boardwalk and be able to pay their bills because of it. I think that the real, reality shows are the ones such as Biggest Loser and things that people actually have to work towards. But there is probably something not so true toi that reality show as well. These freshman and sophomores that are in high school right now that think partying is the way to live and thats partly because of the shows on TV right now.

  2. You nailed it with Jersey Shore. That is one of the few that I can't watch. Good points!

  3. I agree with you 100%! These show do nothing but glamorize indecent, inappropriate behavior. Turning on my TV nowadays to actually watch tv is rare these days for me.
