Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Superman Final

“Chinese schools do not segregate high achieving students from lower achieving students through tracking levels, like in the U.S. This is mostly due to the belief that all students can succeed if they put in the effort.” (University of Michigan,2011) I do believe that the tracks children take from elementary on up can somehow determine their futures. The children that score tests higher than other children have a choice to go on the fast track, advanced classes, advanced placement, college classes, post grad classes. The children that go on the normal track are destined to go from slow class, to other slow class, to gym, to lunch, to the streets. Why are children treated differently if they are in other classes? The fact of the United States Education system is built on many different factors, however this one needs to not be so prominent. It will lower standards, self esteem, and ultimately the path of life the student takes.

If students are not pushed to succeed how will they push themselves? There is a fast paced more academically challenging feel to AP, Advanced, Honors, and Dual Enrollment classes than the standard ones. Standard classes are a lot less advanced than it’s sister track. When the students aren’t asked for much they are not going to give very much. If all the students where on a one stop shot to graduation, one track, I believe that there would be a lot less students dropping out. Why? It is because the students will actually be pushed to succeed.”Florida school districts currently provide information to parents on accelerated course options through a variety of means, including letters sent home to families. But the bill would require principals to set clearer processes for giving parents that information, and provide detailed information on the requirements for participation. It would also require "performance contracts" among the parents, students, and principals, in setting standards for student who want to take part.” (Foundation  for the future 2013)

From the very first day of elementary school the teachers are picking out the types of students that they have in their classes. They begin to judge which ones pick up on certain areas faster than others. Let’s take siblings for example; there are two sisters about two years apart. They are both very bright; however it takes one a little bit longer to grasp certain concepts. The younger one is quicker than the other and is placed on a fast track in math. At two years apart the younger sister is quickly catching up to the older one. How would this make the other sister feel? Incompetent? Not as smart as the younger one? Less intelligent? All these are correct. Young adults are compared to each other by their academic standings although one student takes a quicker paced class that student is held at a more elite level. The student on the faster track is considered higher among the standard student. This would greatly lower a student’s self esteem and self worth when it comes to school.

What students learn in school they will take with them the rest of their lives, "Principals already have the power to allow students to move on a faster-paced academic track, but sometimes "school districts discourage it," Legg said in an interview, because "it doesn't fit into the typical model."The overriding goal is avoid leaving students in "classrooms where they're not being challenged," (John Legge, 2012) The dropout rates correlate with students not being pushed to a certain level. When there is no motivation in schools how will the students graduate? Find jobs? When they don’t have jobs they need money, whats free money? Gambling, stripping, drugs. When students are not pushed, sometimes life pushes them.

Students need to be on the same track,if they where all in the same classroom then there would be the same level of respect and academics, there would not be an invisible line that separated them from other students. They would all be the same students molded the same way and intellectually brightened. It is not fair that we put the students that don’t learn as fast in throw away standard classes. There should only be one standard class and that class challenges each student. That way teachers would all be on the same page and all be ready to have there students excel!
















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1 comment:

  1. If I understand what you are saying in your paper, then I don't think that I agree with it. If what I read is stating that you think that there should not be separate classes for advanced learners then I definately don't. I have worked in society and trained other worker for over 20 years, and all people learner differently. Some people are conceptual learners, meaning they completely understand how things are taught to them and others are repetitive learners, meaning if they do something over and over again, they will eventually learn how to do, but not necessarily understand it. It would not be fair to advanced learners to stay in a class with an average learner as they would not be being "challenged." If I am totally off on your point, I am sorry. However, I do totally agree that all children should be challenged to do their very best everyday. People usually learn better if being challenged.
